Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stats Squid

This appeared in this year's color Xerox Candy Bar. It also happens to be some sweet Ladydrawers stats and a squid. In case you haven't figured it out tentacles are a major motif of mine.

222 N Hillcrest

These are some pages from my autobiographical comic about the stories my mother told us of her childhood in rural Nebraska. The introduction and conclusion are my words but all the stories are in her own. I owe a great deal to her, both my parents, and this is my way of showing them that comics can be anything, comics can be meaningful, and that I do care about them and where I come from.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I've found I really like doing wordless comics. Not in small part because I hate lettering but also because they have such a completely different vibe and aesthetic to them that really works with the themes I often work with. 
Paradicia is about a bio-mechanical caretaker on a dying planet. She tries to replace the crystals that power all the other beings around her but each of them is slowly going black so she going to find the source of power for all life on the planet and finds the source of the problem instead. This like "The Water Wife" is available on request and also at any conventions. I might put this at Chicago comics in a little while. Possibly after I start working downtown again this summer. Although I might be too busy painting to print off comics.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

{TW: Abuse} The Water Wife Comic

These are some pages from my full color 32 page comic "The Water Wife." 
In case you can't tell from these it's not a happy story. But instead one about a young girl who is ostracized and bullied at school and abused at home. The only friend she has is an anthropomorphic pond. Surprisingly this story has an unrealistic but relatively happy ending. Full color copies will be available upon request ( email or at any convention I'm tabling at. Feel free to come see me at Wizard World in Chicago in August.

Marginalized in Comic's Meme! It's Funny I Swear!

 Behold the comics industry!

Commentators on the Internet

This is my response to commenters on the first Ladydrawers column on I drew every one including myself and AEM as ponies. Seemed like an appropriate response.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Oregon Trail Zombie Comic

Behold! My Oregon Trail Zombie Comic! None of my Zombie comics end happily or very well for the humans involved. Does this mean I have an undead bias? Probably....